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Feature Request: Timer Enhancements

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    Feature Request: Timer Enhancements

    Okay, I was careful to check this time to make sure these didn't exist.

    Request #1 - Timer Auto-Save.

    I just crashed my computer, and lost about 6 hours of billing that I now have to try and remember what I had open. Luckily I had closed out most of it from last night, or I'd be out 40+ hours of billing.

    If the timer windows could auto-save, and then pop back up on restart, that would be very useful.

    Request #2 - Timer Window Wrangler

    I have a big monitor at work. I drive my little timer windows to the extreme edge so I have room to see my other work. When I connect from home on a smaller screen to my desktop via RDP, I don't see the timer windows, as they don't resize for the new screen as the parent CommitCRM window does.

    If we had an option to tile/cascade the timer windows,I could easily wrangle them when they get out of line. I know these child windows are not dependant on the CommitCRM parent window space, but having a tile/cascade starting from 0,0 would be useful.


    Re: Feature Request: Timer Engancements

    Hi cforger, thanks for your suggestions. Feedback like this is great especially because the Timer feature in RangerMSP is a very helpful and powerful tool and we are always looking to improve it. I will definitely pass your interesting suggestions on to our development team (the first one is already logged in the system). Thanks.



      Re: Feature Request: Timer Engancements

      Yes, thank you. #1 is very important (a 5 min auto-save, or something similar, as a full computer crash kills all time). It would also be handy as a feature if I wanted to close CommitCRM but not have to charge my timers yet (i.e. work pending, but I have to reboot to continue an app install or something).

      #2 would be very nice to have, but not nearly as urgent at #1. I still feel I'm missing time from that crash that I can't remember about.


        Re: Feature Request: Timer Engancements

        Another feature that would add to this utility is to record the actual start time and end time in the time fields instead of just the total time (ie 9:13 AM - 10:45 AM). I require all of my technicians to record their start and end times so should I have a customer ask about their bill, I have actual times so I can compare phone records, etc. to help backup my techs.


          Re: Feature Request: Timer Engancements

          Hi klannom, thank you for your additional feedback. Actually, I'm happy to tell you that in our coming release this will already behave this way! When charging from the timer window, the start-end time of the charge will be taken from the timer window, and the actual time will be copied to the 'hours' field. This way, if you pause the timer, the start-end time will be taken as-is, however, the total calculated time will be the actual time, taking the pauses into account.



            Re: Feature Request: Timer Enhancements

            We are having some issues with the timers. Under the options we have it set to only allow one time to run at a time. However several times we start an additional timer the original timer does not stop. Sometimes it does other times it does not. Help!



              Re: Feature Request: Timer Enhancements

              Thank you for posting this. We are not aware of any issue/bug in this regards and we've just tried to replicate this without success. Please try to identify the exact scenario it happens - like where do you open the timer from, how many other timers are running, etc. Once you have a scenario, or anything close to it, please post back so we can further try to reproduce it here. Thanks.


                Re: Feature Request: Timer Enhancements

                How is autosaving looking for the future? We still have issues from time to time and can't risk losing notes or billable time. It's gotten to the point that we frequently don't fill in notes there while the timer is in use and keep our notes in OneNote just in case something crashes. I hate to not use the system for what it was designed for. May as well just stop using the timer in CommitCrm and use someone elses timer and manually create the entries when done. Simple autosave would take that need away.


                  Re: Feature Request: Timer Enhancements

                  No news on autosave at the moment but we'll take note of the suggestion as always, thanks for asking.

                  As for crashes when using timer - recently we provided you with the upgrade link to the latest 7.0 release, which is 7.008 that includes the fix related to the timer issue under some configurations. Please apply it.

                  Hope this helps.

