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Required Fields

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    Required Fields

    Is there a way to make certain fields in CommitCRM required? We are running into problems where someone forgets to add the tax to an account. Then the tech goes onsite prints out the paperwork and doesn’t notice that it is missing the tax and the customer pays based off of that. While I know that everyone should be watching for these kinds of things, it seems like a better idea would be for us to make that a required field so it couldn’t be accidentally missed when setting up the account.

    Thanks in advance

    Re: Required Fields

    Don't you define the customer as taxable in their Account? ...Or is that what you are talking about?


      Re: Required Fields

      Thats what I am talking about. We typically add the clients tax rate to the Tax1 field, sometimes it gets missed though. I am hoping there is a way to force a field to be required when creating a new account.


        Re: Required Fields

        Hi Guys,

        Thanks for posting this.
        The RangerMSP system does not support selective mandatory fields; however, in this case regarding the tax fields, you can select default tax codes to be applied to all new accounts and items created from this point on.

        The default values for taxes can be selected in the Tools > Options window.

        Default taxes for accounts - Accounts Tab
        Default taxes for items - Charges & Contracts Tab

        Let us know if this helps.



          Re: Required Fields

          Well having the ability to force someone to fill in the field correctly would be nice. Might be something to consider for the future if it isn't too difficult. In the meantime I think I will just set the default to something like 1000% tax rate. I think someone will notice that when signing off on the total charge.


            Re: Required Fields

            Hi Ascendnet,

            That's a great idea; i'll also mark this forum thread for review by our product management team.

            Thanks for the feedback.


