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April 30th, 2015, 04:13 AM
Posts: 3
Hi All,

I purchased CommitCRM when I first went solo a few years ago but just didn't get round to using it (through no fault of CommitCRM). I instead went on to use - an help desk - for my ticket management which has been great; It is clean simple and perfect for my end users experience.

I am now at the point where I would like to manage other aspects of my business more efficiently and am ready to jump back into CommitCRM by purchasing an upgrade to the latest version or whatever. However, as much as I would like to be able to manage my tickets from CommitCRM I do not want to lose the end user experience and simplicity of - the help desk, so would like to keep this.

Can anyone advise on any way to integrate the two or at least recommend a way to manage the situation without the need for constant double entry.

Thanks in advance
May 1st, 2015, 06:01 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
You should consider using RangerMSP Web Inteface for customers (e.g. the Customer Web Portal module) and use a single system instead of attempting to connect the two. For what it worth, we're updating the customer Web portal these days to make it easier for customers, it'll be introduced with our coming release (v.9).
May 1st, 2015, 08:08 AM
Posts: 226
whens V9 out and what makes it better?
May 1st, 2015, 08:33 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
It'll enter Beta this month. It is already in Alpha. Besides, you may not be using the current latest version of RangerMSP that already includes changes in that front. Anyway, plenty of other changes are coming.
May 5th, 2015, 01:46 AM
Posts: 3
Unless it comes close to the nice, shiny and ease of use of -Current Help Desk- (lol ;) ) then I'm not sure I would want to switch my clients.

Also, does the web interface require my clients (and me) to access the CommitCRM System directly? I do not yet have my own server and do not want to give direct access to my PC. Even with a dedicated server I would prefer a web front end to access the data.
May 5th, 2015, 06:07 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
:-) It should be straight forward and easy, and besides, it lets customers, with the relevant privileges, to get access to many more areas, for example, they can see their assets, they can see the status of their service contracts, they can see when will a dispatched technician will visit their site, etc. etc. so it is all way more integrated then "only" tickets.

Regarding the second question - it provides access to the system using a Web browser. All updates are directly performed on your real database (e.g. no syncs etc.). Technically you do need to have a service running on the same machine where RangerMSP is installed, as this implements the Web server, if you currently have it on a PC then that's fine as long as you can use that PC as a "server". You will be able to use both the Web interface and the Windows client. While customers will only use the Web browser interface. Some options, usually more advanced - like integration with QuickBooks, are only available in the client app.

Hope this helps.

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