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December 11th, 2011, 10:23 AM
Posts: 7
I know this has been explained in a previous post, but we HAVE to get rid of the "License Registered to...." in the footer of the reports. It is a royal pain. I just upgraded to 5.7 and am trying to modify my quote form ..... I don't need my quotes going out with this tagline.

I know that if I turn off the footer on the report that it will remove this tagline .... this is what I have done for other custom reports. However, I WANT to use a report footer on this quotation to display terms and conditions. This tagline is so much of a hinderance that if I put my text in the footer, your software places the tagline OVER my text, making it unreadable.

I have read the previous posts about the policy and I understand that you are trying to prevent piracy..... but I have paid for this software and have it fully licensed ... there is no reason that I should not be able to turn this off without some "workaround".

This tagline has to go.
December 12th, 2011, 06:10 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,522
Comments noted. Thank you.
December 12th, 2011, 07:23 AM
Posts: 21
I agree, this should not appear on the reports. It makes it look like a trial version
December 12th, 2011, 09:24 PM
Posts: 115
I don't use them for this reason - needs to change CommitCRM.
December 19th, 2011, 04:21 AM
Posts: 46
I do not allow any details to be given to a customer for the same reason as well. What we use back end is not for customer knowledge.
December 22nd, 2011, 07:27 PM
Posts: 54
I agree we should be able to customize the headers and footers as we see fit as the customer. We should also be able to insert a logo in the header if you use a ticket as a sign off for customers.

Our respective clients are not prospective CommitCRM clients, there is no need for our customers to know what products we use.
December 23rd, 2011, 03:33 AM
Posts: 58

I-Netcs and others make an excellent point.
December 23rd, 2011, 06:12 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,522
@I-Netcs, thanks for your post. (1) as a registered customer you can remove the credit to RangerMSP from your reports (please contact us directly for further instructions) and (2) Your logo can be added to the report header (or anywhere else) by embedding an Image component in the report layout using the built-in Report Designer.

Other items noted. Thank you.

Registered customers CAN now completely remove their business name from any report being printed!

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