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September 6th, 2012, 12:48 PM
Posts: 104
On (only) one of our PCs, when clicking on the Open Source Email link in the General tab of a ticket a new message appears with the original email message attached to it (instead of opening the original message). If you click on the attachment then the same thing happens. I am assuming this is some type of file association problem (one of my guys tried changing the file association for email messages (eml) and may have messed things up). Can anyone help with this please? Thanks.
September 6th, 2012, 01:10 PM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Most likely the way the Network Path to the email messages is set correctly for this PC while not for others. For example if it is configured with a network driver letter that only exists on this PC.
Run \RangerMSP\Server\ServerConfig.exe utility
Navigate to the Email Connector tab
Scroll down to the 'Email Processing Settings' area, under the 'Email to Ticket' tab you'll find an 'Advanced Options' button, click it.
A Window will open, click the 'Configure' button of the first option ('Store Folder').
Verify that the 2nd path, dealing with how CLIENT PCs see the path to the folder where email messages are stored on the server is a path that is accessible from all client PCs (if you make any changes, please restart both RangerMSPServer server as well as your RangerMSP clients).

Hope this helps.
September 19th, 2012, 09:06 AM
Posts: 104
Please re-read my message, as you reply does not address my problem. Using Outlook 2007, when clicking on the Open Source Email link in the General tab of a ticket a new message appears with the original email message attached to it (instead of opening the original message). If you click on the attachment then the same thing happens. This happens ONLY with the "Open Source Mail" link in the General tab of a Ticket; all other email links (such as those in the Documents tabe) open correctly. The problem is limited to only one computer; all others work normally.
September 19th, 2012, 10:15 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Sorry, we were under the wrong impression that it does not open, not that it is opened incorrectly.

Does the very same email is opened correctly? If so, this is probably a local issue and I would start with trying to Repair Office installation. I say this because RangerMSP client is not really "installed" on each PC all PCs on your network run the same executable file on the server so this eliminates the option of any local RangerMSP settings causing this (there are none).

Please let us know how it goes.
September 25th, 2012, 02:01 PM
Posts: 104
This had happened once before, but we just now have realized that restarting the CommitCRM server seems to resolve the problem. Not sure what is causing it.
September 25th, 2012, 02:06 PM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Thank you for the update. Glad to hear things work well now.

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