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May 25th, 2015, 11:44 PM
Posts: 14
Is there any plans on adding Social Media Integration of contacts profiles for FaceBook, Twitter, and Linkedin? It would be nice to be able to link their profiles for Linkedin and FaceBook within CommitCRM.
May 26th, 2015, 05:59 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,522
Thank you for asking. Many people already point to social profiles of the main Contacts account by storing the URL in the Web Address fields. Using Custom Fields feature you can add a new tab and store as many such URLs as possible.

Another option that we see that people have started to use recently is by using the new Web Document feature of the Documents built in module.

This allows you to add a document to the system that is Web based and points to a URL. This can by anything from Google Docs to Social Media Profiles.

Note that you can also link each such Document to a specific Secondary Contact of the Account.

Hope this helps.

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