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Scheduling Reports: Main filtering criteria

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    Scheduling Reports: Main filtering criteria


    In our effort to provide customers with a sense of value for services rendered, it would be very helpful if, for example, it were possible to provide them a report of tickets updated in the last 30 days.

    This would include one report showing updated tickets that were Created, Pending and Completed.

    Now while I didn't have any trouble creating a custom report for this purpose, I did however run into difficulty when I went to schedule it because the "Main filtering criteria" only provided options for "Open" or "Completed", but not both (seperate question: why can't I upload a screenshot here?).

    So can someone please explain whether this list of "Main filtering criteria" is something that can be edited or added to? Or is there another way to achieve this objective? Or is this just a limitation built in by design?

    Many thanks in advance,


    Re: Scheduling Reports: Main filtering criteria

    Thank you for posting this.

    You can consider scheduling the report with the 'Tickets created recently' criteria that includes all Tickets and allows to set the Ticket Open Date range as shown on the example below.

    Hope this helps.


      Re: Scheduling Reports: Main filtering criteria

      Thank you but this would exclude tickets updated or closed in the last thirty days simply because they were created 31 days ago. Seperate question: How did you provide the screenshot through this forum? Thanks in advance.


        Re: Scheduling Reports: Main filtering criteria

        Follow up request for answer to primary question please:

        Can the list of options listed in "Main filtering criteria" be edited or added to?

        Thank you.


          Re: Scheduling Reports: Main filtering criteria

          We may be able to create a custom criteria for this.

          Please email us the specific details about the exact filter you use in your business for such reports and we should then be able to check whether this can be added for the Scheduled Reports as a custom filter tailored for these requirements.

          Hope this helps.


            Re: Scheduling Reports: Main filtering criteria

            Only they can attach images....haha


              Re: Scheduling Reports: Main filtering criteria

              So while the filters for custom ad-hoc reports can be created and edited, these cannot be reused for scheduling but instead we are restricted to using the ones that your team believe are best and have created for us?

              Why setup a whole forum for sharing reports if we cannot even create or edit our own filters for scheduling them? Ugh.


                Re: Scheduling Reports: Main filtering criteria

                Scheduled reports use a different technology than reports generated manually and therefore cannot manually created filters cannot currently be used. We see that the existing filtering criteria covers most use cases, however, in the cases it doesn't we're happy to assist and create a custom filtering criteria for you. Please do not hesitate to contact us.

                The report sharing forum is meant to share formats, not filters, so it is something else.

                Hope this helps.


                  Re: Scheduling Reports: Main filtering criteria

                  Update from RangerMSP Team:

                  In RangerMSP 29 we added the ability to use custom filters when scheduling the report.
                  More detailed information can be found in Report Scheduler Filtering_options

