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Feature request - second email for contact

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    Feature request - second email for contact

    It could be very usufull if you will add another email field for a contact
    many people use more then one address and their emails are not being processed by the email connector...

    Re: Feature request - second email for contact

    Noted. What you can do is either create another Contact record that holds the additional email address, or create a domain catch-all rule where any email coming from this domain will create a ticket under the Account, so even if no exact match is found, all will work nicely with the email connector. For this simply add a generic secondary contact and in its email address only write the domain part: .
    Any email that will come from this domain will be converted into a service ticket automatically.



      Re: Feature request - second email for contact

      Hi Commit,

      I have a situationen with a customer sending emails from 3 different e-mail adresses:

      Should I create 3 different contacts under my account ?

      about the catch-all rule,
      could I have the placed under the main account, for catching e-mails not recorded in CommitCRM for this domian. And ALSO have contacts with email adresses. ?


        Re: Feature request - second email for contact

        In order to catch customer emails and manage them automatically in RangerMSP their email address should indeed be listed in RangerMSP or else it will not be recognized as an authorized seller. And, there's the Catch-All rule you mentioned, this allows you to accept rules from any sender related to a specific domain.
        The catch-all domain name can be listed in any of the email fields - whether the two predefined for the main account or the email address of contacts. RangerMSP Email Connector will first try to find an exact match and only then try to see if there's a catch all rule (domain) defined.



          Re: Feature request - second email for contact

          Any progress on this? We have occasions where users can't access their corporate account, so they use their personal accounts to send in a ticket. I won't be putting in a catch all for "" or any of the other freemail accounts! :)

          Also if I create duplicate users for each address it negates the benefit of the ticket history because suddenly one user has tickets recorded against multiple entries. Makes reporting messier too.

          You really need to be able to add as many email addresses to a single client entry as required.


            Re: Feature request - second email for contact

            Thank you for following up. The request for additional email address/es for a secondary contact is clear and we will take a note about your additional input. At this point you should use a different contact record to represent the additional address. Thanks!


              Re: Feature request - second email for contact

              I just ran into this the other day and got the same answer. :/


                Re: Feature request - second email for contact

                We also have need for multiple email addresses for contacts. Having to create multiple contacts is not a good method.


                  Re: Feature request - second email for contact

                  Any update on this? We also have many clients that have at least two email address, either because their company has multiple domains or because they use a personal email when they can't access their company email, and having multiple contact records for one person is a very poor workaround.

                  Ideally I'd like to be able to add as many email addresses for a contact as they had and select which one was the primary email address.


                    Re: Feature request - second email for contact

                    Not really sure why this is a difficult feature to add. I'm really shocked that at least 8 years have gone by without this being implemented. I have to think there are allot of people who would benefit from this.


                      Re: Feature request - second email for contact

                      Thank you for posting this. The requirement is clear and different contacts should be added instead. Despite how easy this might seem, there are way more technical challenges here as such a change would affect almost all modules (think 365 sync, Outlook sync, QuickBooks integration, RMMs and more) as well as the API and despite the requirement being clear and almost obvious, this has gotten a lower priority so far compared with other requests because of the amount of work that is required. Anyway, we will reevaluate this. Thanks for following up.*

