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December 3rd, 2013, 05:29 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,522
As 2013 draws to a close, it is time to think about customer acquisition strategies for 2014.. what old school methods still work for you? Which shiny new ones are showing promise?

Here's a few tactics that many have found success with in the past, but which methods will work best in 2014? Feel free to add your suggestions and predictions!

Word of Mouth
Very old school but always one of the best.. Needless to say, the internet has opened up many new channels to spread the good word.

Cold Calling
Another old school method that everyone loves to hate.. does it work for you?

Email Marketing
"The money is in the list" as they say.. once a lead is on your mailing list you can keep reaching out long after that person has left your site.. just don't ever spam them! Do you have a list? Do you use it??

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
Implement Local SEO if your target customer is in a specific region. An optimized site is also one that is good for visitors - fast load times, easy navigation etc.

Content Marketing
Producing great content, which can be in the form of articles, videos, podcasts, infographics etc. can produce massive results when done right.

PPC/CPC/CPM Ads (Pay Per Click/Cost Per Click/Cost Per Mille)
Advertise on Google AdWords and other networks - the "easy" way to get traffic? Throwing money at Google is good for them but does it work for you?

Facebook Ads
These are increasingly popular as social networks tend to know everything about their members so you can really zoom in on your target market to maximize conversions.

Affiliate Marketing
Do you have an affiliate program? Imagine an army of affiliates spending their time and money promoting your products & services!

A great way to reach prospects that previously visited your site and maximize the results of all your other marketing efforts.

Do you have any client acquisition methods to add to the list? Any tactics you've tried and found to be not worth it? What are your predictions for 2014?

Share your insights and experiences with the community!
December 7th, 2013, 02:46 PM
Posts: 88
I tried facebok ads but the feedback was very poor although the targeted adds drove a lot of people to my fb site ( but no sales )
December 7th, 2013, 02:53 PM
Posts: 88
Email marketing was a lot of work for creating newsletters and adverts with little response.

I use my FB page (www.facebook.com/laninncomputerservices ) for marketing and interesting info seems the easiest and least time consuming way of getting info across, this is also linked to my web shop site ( www.lan-inn.eu )with the updates coming in as twitter feeds. lets face it most people have a FB account now
February 11th, 2014, 04:27 AM
Posts: 242
Word of Mouth is how we get 95% of our work. We only have trouble with clients who find us randomly on the internet. WOM clients never, ever, ask us how much we cost. People who find us via Google it's their first question. Increasing WOM clients is the best way to grow a happy business with happy clients and staff. Requires networking though, we are a member of our local BNI chapter and we also actively encourage our existing clients to mention us to their clients. WOM is also cheap.

Has anyone used Robin Robins, that IT marketing lady? Saw her recommended by Harry Brelsford (SMB Nation) and now i get her marketing/spam emails. Expensive but if it gets results...
February 17th, 2014, 06:48 PM
Posts: 1
I think a big one that everyone missed here is lead generation via PPL (pay-per-lead) campaigns. Go to sites like business.com and they actually do the marketing, find the leads in your industry, nurture the lead, and then sell it to you hot and ready for usually 30 bucks a pop. If you are running say 100 hot leads per month, that's only $2k per month, and the chances of your sales team closing the leads only need to be what, 1/100 to break even?
February 20th, 2014, 05:52 AM
Posts: 242
Does anyone use that method and can report results? And what kind of area do you live in in terms of population?

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