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November 19th, 2009, 12:55 PM
Posts: 1
We use a slightly modified Contract Details report during every billing period to send to clients that have a pre-paid block hours contract with us. This Contract Details report shows how many block hours they have used & how many hours are left in their contract. The problem is that the remaining block hours data only shows the current balance of block hours. If I want to show a client what their block hour balance was 2 weeks ago, I have to manually calculate it. Is there any way I can create a report that will show the balance of a contracts remaining block hours for a specified date range?
November 19th, 2009, 02:29 PM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Hi Agilitec,

As you mentioned, the Contract reports can show you the report balance (how much was used and how much is left). You can also generate charge report by Contract to show the customer the utilization of their Contracts.

Genrating retroactive reports showing the contract status at a given time in not possible. The report is based on the contract status at the at the time you generate the report. You may consider using the charge reports to show how much of the contract was utilized in a given date range, which can make it easier to show the customer their utilization at a given date.

I hope this helps.


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