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January 17th, 2008, 08:01 PM
Posts: 2
Hi, we give 20% commision of the labor charged to the employee and I want to know if there is a way to generate a report for this every month and the process of filling the correct information to generate this report if posible.

January 18th, 2008, 01:09 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Yes, you can easily extract the labor charges amount for each employee and use it in order to pay them the commission.

Each employee logs their work performed using Charges in RangerMSP, where each Charge contains the Item being charged, the rate and the total amount for billing the customer.

In order to track the Charges for each employee and give them the 20% commission, you can use one of these methods:

1. At the end of each month you can generate a Charge report by Employee (go to Reports > Charges and select "Employee Charges Summary" or "Employee Charges Report"), which list the Charges per employee and the total amount per employee. You can use this report to determine the commission for each employee. Note that you should filter this report to show only labor charges (you may also customize your own Charges report for Employees to include only the columns and data you wish).

2. Alternatively, if you want to perform any advanced calculations on the Charges, you can use the RangerMSP Export Wizard to export the Charges by employee to Excel and perform any calculations there. You can read more about exporting data from RangerMSP in our FAQ on the subject.


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