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November 14th, 2013, 01:44 PM
Posts: 242

Does anyone use these in their workshops and which ones? Good bad? I'm talking about tools like d7 from http://www.foolishit.com/ and https://repairtechsolutions.com/Products/TechSuite

We are flat out and on the road a lot without a dedicated workshop tech at the moment. I'm looking for something that does base/preliminary diags in a mostly fire-and-forget way so we can fire it up then come back and its done memtest, HDD test, virus/malware scans/ chkdsk etc. I know nothing will be fully automated, especially if it hits a glitch, but anything that saves time and reduces the amount of time staring at a box waiting for a test to finish so another can start would be great.

November 22nd, 2013, 10:10 AM
Posts: 88
the "foolshit" d7 site looks quite interesting, hope you have some feed back from other techs that use this, As I would also use it if feedback was good.

I tried to get the d7 software cheap as a 1 man business he said join the newsletter as he will be having a sale soon:-)

looking at the other one seems basic compared to d7
November 22nd, 2013, 12:26 PM
Posts: 242
I've spoken to them and apparently theirs is d7 but they have modified it substantially and added in a whole reporting thing. They actually bought the d7 code. I'm trialling it at the moment.
December 3rd, 2013, 01:21 AM
Posts: 26
We have been using D7 for a year or two - Love It!
Easy automation of all the usual tasks
A great selection of tools
He is continuously updating and improving it
We use it for services, malware removal, data transfers
December 6th, 2013, 02:51 PM
Posts: 5
Hey guys - saw this on my google analytics report and thought I'd say hello. My name is Ian Alexander, I'm the CEO and Co-Founder of RepairTech. If you guys have any questions about RepairTech or our products, our partnership with Nick Shaw over at FoolishIT, or anything else, I'm happy to answer them.

Have a good one,


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