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Flag Continuum "Work Completed" Tickets?

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    Flag Continuum "Work Completed" Tickets?

    Is there a way to label or flag RMM tickets with the last update having the text "Work Completed" in it? I'm trying to see if we can at a glance, see what tickets were worked/completed, such as service starts or disk space alerts that have been resolved.


    Zenith ticket status: Work Completed
    Zenith ticket update time: 02/07/2017 05:16 AM
    Assigned to: Partner
    Assigned by: Zenith

    Re: Flag Continuum "Work Completed" Tickets?

    This is an interesting idea. At this time you cannot label it by the synced notification content. We will take a note of this. Thanks!


      Re: Flag Continuum "Work Completed" Tickets?

      Sounds good, thank you.


        Re: Flag Continuum "Work Completed" Tickets?

        The status could sync from Continuum -> CommitCRM for all statuses except closed.
        We see "Noc Closed" when ever something is auto-closed. Example server offline and back online in 15 minutes.

        Having an updated status "NOC Closed" in a custom field would allow filtering so as to quickly close (manually at this time) the "chatter-box" tickets.

        (IMHO, automating closing a ticket by API or Batch is too difficult or impossible to implement by CommitCRM developers or we would have it as a feature by now.)


          Re: Flag Continuum "Work Completed" Tickets?

          We used to use Vorex (CommitCRM is much better). In there, I could create workflows based on text within the update, such as status change. So if the update had "NOC Completed", I could tell it to be a closed status.

          I have no idea if this (if ticket field contains X, then change Y on the ticket) is something that can be implemented with how CommitCRM is programmed. That's outside of my expertise.


            Re: Flag Continuum "Work Completed" Tickets?

            Currently updates for the ticket in Continuum are downloaded as History Notes under the Account. The ticket in RangerMSP is not auto-closed as closing the ticket may require adding charges etc. So you have all details of the issue being resolved in Continuum and you need to review the ticket and close it. In any case, these are indeed interesting ideas and we will log the suggestions. Thanks.

