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Value of FLDSLPQUANTITY always zero when querying Labor charge

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    Value of FLDSLPQUANTITY always zero when querying Labor charge

    I'm using the CommitCRM low level API, and a Python wrapper/abstraction layer I've written around it, in order to create a software suite to integrate CommitCRM with our point of sale, and other software packages we use.

    I'm working on migrating charges from CommitCRM to our point of sale, and when I query the quantity field (FLDSLPQUANTITY) of a charge that is of the labor type, the query is successful, but the returned value is '0.00', with a status code of 1.

    I can clearly see in CommitCRM that the quantity for several labor charges is set above zero, and I've saved the ticket after modifying the charges. I can close and reopen CommitCRM, and the charges remain attached to the ticket, with positive, non-zero values. However, querying that field through the API always returns zero as a value.

    Also, the same ticket has a charge for a product/part, and the quantity for that charge is correct.

    Any idea what I'm doing wrong here?

    Re: Value of FLDSLPQUANTITY always zero when querying Labor charge

    Thanks for asking. For hourly based Charges try querying the FLDSLPHOURSAMOUNT fielt instead of the one you're trying.

    Hope this helps.


      Re: Value of FLDSLPQUANTITY always zero when querying Labor charge

      That worked great, thanks for the help.


        Re: Value of FLDSLPQUANTITY always zero when querying Labor charge


        This also worked for me, but is there somewhere a complete list of all these fields?
        I didn't found this field in the wiki except in a code sample.

        Best regards


          Re: Value of FLDSLPQUANTITY always zero when querying Labor charge

          Sure, the complete list of fields can be found in API Reference Manual . Hope this helps!

