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Trim DataField in Email Template

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    Trim DataField in Email Template

    I would like to have the ticket description field in the email template for closed tickets. However, sometimes the ticket description is long, so I would like ideally on the first line (subject from the original email) or to be able trim to say the first 100 characters.

    Is this possible?

    Re: Trim DataField in Email Template

    The Ticket description can definitely be included in Email Templates (as you know). However, the field type is free-text/memo, this means that it can hold a large amount of text. As such it should probably not be used on the Subject line of the email but rather as part of the email body. We will definitely take a note of your idea here. Thanks!


      Re: Trim DataField in Email Template


      I think a separate "Ticket Title" field would be beneficial (ie. in addition to Ticket Description). Has this ever been raised or is it on the roadmap?

      All other PSA software that I know has a dedicated Ticket Title field.



        Re: Trim DataField in Email Template

        Thank you for posting this. We have this request on our list - to add a separate field for Ticket title or summary - and your feedback is noted. Having said that, we think that it might add complexity and will require more work from users. We are considering options to have the first line of the Description act more closely to a title field allowing users to include it, only, unlike the entire description. Thanks for you feedback and for sharing your thoughts with us.


          Re: Trim DataField in Email Template

          Good news! In RangerMSP 15 it is now possible to include only the first paragraph of the description in the email.
          A new field was added for Email Templates and also for Ticket Reports / Forms - ‘Ticket Description – first paragraph only’ .​
          When selecting to use this field RangerMSP will only include the description text from the start and until the first break line.


            Re: Trim DataField in Email Template

            This is a good improvement, but I would still love to see a dedicated "subject" field. I think that would be helpful.

