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March 10th, 2012, 06:06 PM
Posts: 217
Hi Commit,

I am not sure on this.

By email XML, I am sending in a string of 25 chars.
I am aware that the CommitCRM model field can hold 20 chars.

You write, that the value has been shortened ? - Which is OK. But it seems that the insert/update never get done caused by this.
Is there a workaround ?

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<?commitcrmxml version="1.0" ?>

<ResultMessage>Fields with illegal values:
The value in field Model has been shortened to its permitted length.</ResultMessage>

<ReturnTransactionID>XML Testing</ReturnTransactionID>
March 12th, 2012, 07:36 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Hi itognet,

The Status in the response XML is the indication for you on whether the record has been added or not. The Status returned is FAILURE, which indicates that the record was not added.

This means that this kind of error causes a failure, and you should change the transaction you send in your XML to contain a string with the correct length for this field.

In some cases you can configure the API by Email feature of the Email Connector to accept such exceptions (not all though), this is implementing by settings the token:


In file \RangerMSP\Server\CmtEmailConnector.ini.

The token should already be there so please search for it before adding another instance. Save and restart the service. Again, it doesn't accept all errors.

I hope this helps.

November 23rd, 2013, 02:23 AM
Posts: 217
Hi Commit,

I have the option APIContinueWhenInvalidData=Y enabled in CmtEmailConnector.ni file.

But if I send a string containing 25 chars into a Commitfield with max length of 20
I still get the error.

Is the length not covered by Invalid Data? If not, what is invalid data then?.
November 25th, 2013, 06:04 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
The Email Connector does not currently allowed to process transactions with invalid data, we may add support for it and have this (hidden!) token supported in a future release.

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