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October 2nd, 2014, 11:03 AM
Posts: 524
I know I've mentioned this before but I can't find that posting...

The email that is generated to tell employees that a ticket has been updated is (most of the time) useless because it does not tell anyone WHAT was updated. Instead, it has:

"Performed by: <employee>"

"Record Details at time of sending this message:"

We then need to either look at the email and compare that to what is in the record, which by the way, doesn't work because sometimes the field that was updated isn't in the email (e.g. if a contract is changed) OR we need to go to the employee that made the change and ask them what was updated.

These update emails need to ONLY tell us the basics:
1) ticket number
2) account
3) contact
4) manager
5) ticket type
7) description (this field needs to be last as these can get pretty long depending on if this was generated via a connector)

That's ALL we need... seriously, we do not need anything more in these alerts (if we do, we can just look it up). The point of these alerts is to tell us what was updated -- let's get it to do that.

Please add this to the list so we can start getting email alerts that are worthwhile.

thanks --

October 16th, 2014, 07:38 AM
Josh F
Posts: 7

Ray you are exactly right. I thought I was doing something wrong because the alerts were not showing WHAT changed.

PLEASE update ticket alerts to show WHAT changed or was updated.


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