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March 20th, 2014, 02:21 PM
Posts: 3
While many of the email marketing programs I am considering (MailChimp, Aweber, etc) integrate with a number of different CRM software, I don't see any that have a built-in integration with CommitCRM.

a) Are there any email marketing companies that have existing agreements/setup with CommitCRM, and/or

b) Is there a simple API setup or other workaround that could make this integration possible?
March 21st, 2014, 06:08 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
The easiest way would probably be to filter the records you want to email to in RangerMSP and export them to a CSV/Excel file to be used by the mailing program (we successfully use iContact and you can start a referal free trial here).

Besides, we do offer a very powerful and easy to use API that you can learn more about here.

Hope this helps.
March 21st, 2014, 06:15 AM
Posts: 3
Yes, I know how to get contacts into the email program. By integration I meant automatically removing bad email addresses and letting me change contact names who have moved, etc. with a single step instead of having to duplicate data manually in CommitCRM.
March 21st, 2014, 06:18 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
You may very well implement this with the API, maybe others will be interested too in case you'll have something working... Thanks for your feedback.
March 27th, 2014, 06:20 PM
Posts: 55
+ 1 yes pls!
November 23rd, 2014, 03:50 PM
Posts: 14
I'm interested in this feature as well. I am evaluating purchasing your software or buying something else. So far, I like that CommitCRM integrated with QuoteWerks and QuickBooks but I see it lacking any functionality when it comes to automation of marketing campaigns which is something that other systems may have built-in. Marketing is a crucial factor for an IT company to be successful. Being able to automate it with custom made email campaigns, newsletters, product announcements, support announcements, software update announcements, etc would be very helpful to ANY IT COMPANY! CommitCRM's tag line is Business Automation for successful ITs yet there is no marketing component let alone an automated one.

At least by integrating with something like MailChimp would be a work around until you guys developed your own marketing component within CommitCRM.
November 24th, 2014, 06:06 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Thanks for your feedback. Noted.
November 29th, 2014, 09:13 AM
Posts: 6
This is a feature we have been trying to find a good solution for and are trying to avoid inputting data multiple places
August 17th, 2015, 05:09 PM
Posts: 2
My understanding about using CommitCRM for email marketing is that having synchronised with Outlook then it is a simple matter to use Mailchimp with Outlook. I have not tried this yet but having read about it it seems the best way to go for the time being.

Please correct me if this is not true.
August 18th, 2015, 10:45 PM
Posts: 26
how about the possibility of integrating with Facebook or LinkedIn or Twitter! that'll be really awesome!

In addition, one more thing is customer feedback. if It can integrate the web some form of customer feedback questionaire on the commit-web interface...

like how rackspace does theirs, 2 questions survey...

i think that'll be great too!
August 19th, 2015, 06:08 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
In regards to customer feedback (survey) on the service they've received - what many do is include a link to a survey form, either on their Web site or hosted by other providers (like surverymonky.com asking for customer feedback.

The link is embedded in the Email Template they use for automatic alerts to customers on Ticket Close events.

Many times you can even pass the Ticket number as a parameter to the survey so you'll have a link between the feedback and the specific service request.

Hope this helps.
May 29th, 2016, 06:12 PM
Posts: 8
Over two years since this feature was brought up and still nothing - I can see competitors to CommitCRM vacuuming up progressive IT companies crying out for this industry standard feature.

We understand that you have "noted" this request - but what are the plans to implement this in the next two years?
May 30th, 2016, 06:02 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
​Thank you for following up on this. Yes, this has been noted and seriously reviewed ​and considered. So far other requests and user requirements received higher priority than to implement a robust email marketing engine where there are many great tools available for the job that are only a few clicks away by exporting your contacts from RangerMSP. We will revisit and reconsider this in the future. Hope this makes sense and helps.

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