We have a Powershell script that works fine when run from a client PC against the CommitCRM server, using UNC paths.
But when run directly on the server, either using UNC or local paths, we get "Status 2000: General Error Occurred FAILURE" at the init line.
Here's a snippet of the code:
add-type -Path "\\server\share\commitcrm\ThirdParty\API\CommitLib .dll"
$CommitConfig = New-Object CommitCRM.Config
$CommitConfig.AppName = "My Script"
$CommitConfig.CommitDllFolder = "\\server\share\commitcrm\ThirdParty\UserDev"
$CommitConfig.CommitDbFolder = "\\server\share\commitcrm\db"
But when run directly on the server, either using UNC or local paths, we get "Status 2000: General Error Occurred FAILURE" at the init line.
Here's a snippet of the code:
add-type -Path "\\server\share\commitcrm\ThirdParty\API\CommitLib .dll"
$CommitConfig = New-Object CommitCRM.Config
$CommitConfig.AppName = "My Script"
$CommitConfig.CommitDllFolder = "\\server\share\commitcrm\ThirdParty\UserDev"
$CommitConfig.CommitDbFolder = "\\server\share\commitcrm\db"