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April 9th, 2013, 08:38 AM
Posts: 51
Hi all, I bought CommitCRM and Quickbooks over a year ago but am only now trying to migrate my normal processes over so I am more organised and ready to work alongside more people. It is quite a steep learning curve but I feel like I am making some progress.

I am new to CommitCRM and Quickbooks so am starting from a blank canvas. I was wondering if the data entered into CommitCRM for parts was also entered into Quickbooks?

i.e. If I purchase a part for a job and add it into CommitCRM (supplier, cost, warranty etc.) is the supplier and cost added into Quickbooks so my accounts are created on the fly with both expenses and earnings? Or do I need to manually enter my expenses into Quickbooks?

This is the first time I have used an accounting package, I am moving from a system where I send invoices, keep receipts and hand them to my accountant each year.

Any insight very much appreciated :)
April 9th, 2013, 08:39 AM
Posts: 51
I have the quickbooks and email connector btw.
April 9th, 2013, 11:13 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,522
Hi and thank you for posting.

In short your Items in QuickBooks can be related to the set of Items in RangerMSP. This is not mandatory and if Items are not linked invoices can still be generated (based on default Items) yet it's always better to have the two in sync.

If you have a new Item in RangerMSP you can push it to QuickBooks with one click and the two will be linked.
If you have a new Item in QuickBooks you can also pull it into RangerMSP and create a new Item in RangerMSP for it, again with just a mouse click.

Where should you manage the Items - it's up to you actually and maybe others here may share their insights. Usually people have been using QuickBooks first and then when the start using RangerMSP the sync the items back to RangerMSP, however, as you start fresh the answer is not finite and it depends on your workflows. In case you manage a set of accounting accounts in QuickBooks and need to relate each Item to the very specific accounting accounts in QuickBooks it may be better to add it to QuickBooks directly and then sync it to RangerMSP, this is because when an Item is pushed from RangerMSP to QuickBooks it will be assigned with default accounting accounts and you may need to visit it in QuickBooks. Yet again it all depends on your requirements.

Maybe others will share their work flows here...

Hope this helps.

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