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July 4th, 2013, 07:38 PM
Posts: 242
Anyone else feel like KILLING SOMEONE when it takes a whole TEN MINUTES to explain over the phone to someone how to type in a URL in the ADDRESS BAR. "No, you must have put that in a search box, not the address bar. The address bar is the little section at the top of your browser thats says what site you are on."


(Sorry, feel better now)
July 5th, 2013, 11:50 AM
Posts: 1,146
I feel your pain. The problem is the newer ie has only 1 bar and it searches by default. So if they dont put in http:// then it searches.

Search is worthless when the url doesnt show up in search.

It is often hard to get them to a support link when they only know how to search.
July 5th, 2013, 07:15 PM
Posts: 242
yeah thats what i was trying to do, just get them to my website to download a remote support tool :) the address bar won't search if you type in a working URL. its when they spell it wrong or they use a search box in one of the six random toolbars they often have that it gets frustrating :)

i once spent 5 minutes trying to get someone to find the start button in XP - the one that actually says "start". in the end i got them to press their finger in the middle of their screen, move it to the left until they hit the edge, then move it down until they hit the corner. "Oh, THAT start button!"
July 14th, 2013, 07:16 PM
Posts: 1,146
Ive never had it that bad!

We did two things to lessen the frustration, first we moved our website support link to a top level menu link so if they would just search for allpro technologies they could easily get there.

That didnt work so well so then we bought a domain just for support links [supportview.me] and forwarded that to allprotechnologies/support.

We had the same problem though, if they don't type in http:// it searches. We changed our SOP to say http, forward slash, forward slash, colon, but that went nowhwere fast. (?what is a forward slash?)

We thought about actually creating a very small website at the domain so it would start to show up in searches when they type supportview.me but we haven't did it yet.

The joys of management!
July 22nd, 2013, 03:16 PM
Jeff @ Check Point
Posts: 2
How about just typing your domainname and then do a Ctrl + Enter?

Example - type msn in the address bar and press Ctrl + Enter, It types all of the rest automatically.
February 23rd, 2014, 02:29 PM
Posts: 88
I think the most annoying thing is trying to explain to the customer the set up process of remote access support through a browser. I use techinline now for new pc builds and put a custom link on their desktop.
February 27th, 2014, 08:01 PM
Posts: 1,146
We have started just emailing a link for them to open.

We also bought a new domain rescue513.com and this works really well if they can find the dayum address bar.

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