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Invoice (Charges report) with details on second page

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    Invoice (Charges report) with details on second page

    This is the report we are using for Invoicing. The first page is the actual invoice with our national sales tax but lists only the charge type, and all details are on the second page.

    We then create a one-line invoice in Xero with the invoice number being same as the ticket number, for debtor tracking and so we can generate statements from Xero showing the 'correct' invoice numbers.

    Let me know if it has been any help. :)

    Re: Invoice (Charges report) with details on second page

    And now the attachment :)
    Attached Files


      Re: Invoice (Charges report) with details on second page

      always nice to have more custom reports. thanks for this!


        Re: Invoice (Charges report) with details on second page

        Great looking invoice design.


          Re: Invoice (Charges report) with details on second page

          Fantastic report. Thanks for sharing it.


            Re: Invoice (Charges report) with details on second page

            how do i run this report from CommitCRM


              Re: Invoice (Charges report) with details on second page

              To import the report click the compressed zip file link attached to the thread to download the report and save it to your computer.
              Then in RangerMSP, go to the relevant Report category, click Import and choose the file you have just downloaded.
              Select the imported Report in the Custom Reports list and run it in the usual way by clicking Generate,


                Re: Invoice (Charges report) with details on second page

                I am interested in this report but it seems due to it being created in a much lower version it won't import into mine


                  Re: Invoice (Charges report) with details on second page

                  Thank you for asking. True, based on the date this one was created in an older system that used an older reporting engine where its format and structure are different.
                  We will try to convert it for you and will post back later today or tomorrow with an update.


                    Re: Invoice (Charges report) with details on second page

                    We converted the report to the newer version and it can be imported using the Import option under the Reports menu.

                    As a result, the new custom report will be added so you can give it a try.
                    Attached Files

