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Ticket Status Length Counter

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    Ticket Status Length Counter

    I would like to know how long a ticket has been in the status it is in. For example, we have a status (pending Billing). This is where tickets go to be reviewed before close.

    I would like to know how long a ticket has been in pending billing. I would also like to know how long a ticket has been in work, or any status it is in.

    A bonus if ranger can tell me how long a ticket was in any and all previous statuses.

    Where can i go to see the time a ticket was in a status? Currently I only see a timer for total open time.

    Re: Ticket Status Length Counter

    Thank you for posting this.

    On changing the Ticket Status, the system adds an audit record that can be viewed under the Ticket History tab. The audit note contains information when the status was changed, who changed it and what was the previous status.

    Such audit information is displayed to you as a text field, as well as saved like it in the database, and therefore calculations on such textual data are not supported at this time. For what it is worth, you may use our API to fetch the data and parse the notes to gather that info.
    Hope this helps.


      Re: Ticket Status Length Counter

      We could write some custom code using the API to calculate the status length(s)?


        Re: Ticket Status Length Counter

        Yep. You'll need to query the Ticket History notes from the database, parse them, and translate it to the information you need.

        Hope*this helps.

