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July 25th, 2011, 09:32 PM
Posts: 524
This is getting very frustrating... again with markups and discounts... we have been trying to use CommitCRM to track product profits (using price and markups, etc.). Unfortunately, when something has been billed to a client but isn't used/returned (for a full or even partial refund), there is no proper way to back the charge out if markups have been used. What we need to do is back out the product (bill them for a negative quantity which logically means we are returning the product to "inventory" -- this is how clients want to see it on invoices... a negative quantity times the charge equals a negative charge). Unfortunately CommitCRM does not understand negative markups so how are we supposed to do this? No matter what we do (negative quantities, negative price, etc.) our profit reports are completely inaccurate.

This is getting beyond silly... a CRM product that is central to billing that can't do markups and discounts properly is a serious problem.

July 26th, 2011, 05:59 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Ray, You should add another Charge (simply by copying the Charge record used to originally bill the client) and in the Quantity field of this Charge set the minus one (-1) value as the quantity. The total amount will be the exact negative.

Hope this helps,
July 26th, 2011, 04:49 PM
Posts: 524
that's what we want to do (and what we are trying to do). the problem is that CommitCRM doesn’t understand how to work with markups/discounts properly... it's the same old story told over again!

try this... create a charge, add a price, add a markup ($'s or %) and save. Now copy the charge, add a negative value and see what happens...

The only way around this is to set the price to what the total charge needs to be and zero out any markup/discount. the problem here is that is screws up the reports which we want to run to tell us how much profit we are making on our materials transactions (called markup!). This issue is resolved if CommitCRM could understand negative markups/discounts but it can't.

The problems revolving around the markup/discount issues are not trivial and simply can't be ignored any longer.

July 26th, 2011, 04:53 PM
Posts: 524
I stand corrected... using % markup does work with negative quantities -- it's just when $'s are used... which has to happen because % markups are seriously broken in other ways... (!)

July 27th, 2011, 06:04 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
In the scenario discussed in this thread - all values including $ and % adjustments should be positive.
The only value that should be negative is the quantity, like minus two (-2) if two products are returned.

July 29th, 2011, 05:08 PM
Posts: 524
Dina... please just open a copy of CommitCRM and try to do what you are saying... it doesn't work!

Enter a charge for quantity 1 at $100. Do a markup of $20 ($'s not percent) which will yield a total cost of $120. Now add a new charge for -1 at $100... you will get a total cost of -$80. There is no way to get the item backed at -$120 without adjusting the price to $120 and the markup to $0 (which then screws up all future markup/profit reports).

August 1st, 2011, 06:04 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528

The scenario you describe is indeed accurate! You currently need to log Quantity: -1, Price: $120.

Thank you!
August 2nd, 2011, 01:21 PM
Posts: 524
just confirming that you see this as a bug -- hopefully we can get this fixed. thanks!!!

August 14th, 2012, 06:17 PM
Posts: 524
need to follow up on this... this is really screwing up our profit reports out of commit!!!

we need to be able to backout the cost of the item AND the markup as a negative to keep the reports accurate.

enter a unit with a product charge of $100 with a markup of $20 and we get $120

we should then be able to add a negative unit with a product charge of $100 and a markup of $20 and get -$120

this way when we run a report on transactions, the costs will zero out as will the markups!!!

if we simply do a negative number that includes the cost AND the markup, our costs will be negative and our markups will be positive -- this would be two times the incorrect amount!

Please identify this as a bug and put it in for a fix.


August 15th, 2012, 11:45 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Request noted. Thanks.

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