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July 4th, 2015, 12:13 PM
Posts: 101
we are getting this error regardless of the workstation we try to install the upgrade on:
Backup stopped (2)
could not back up the following files:
M:\CommitCRM2015\CommitCRM\Client\Mainbrace2015.qb w(32)
M:\CommitCRM2015\CommitCRM\Client\Mainbrace2015.qb w.TLG(32)
Obviously it has something to do with our quickbooks file, but does not give any more information
Can you tell us what to do to fix this?
July 4th, 2015, 12:17 PM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Is it possible that you store the QuickBooks company file under the RangerMSP folder tree on the server? If so - it should not be there.

Moving forward - restart the server and verify that no one opens QuickBooks.
Then - move the QuickBooks company file outside of the RangerMSP folder tree.

Run the upgrade program.

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