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Access to current account key for API

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    Access to current account key for API


    I had a quick look at the API docs but didn't see this covered.

    Is there a way to get information from the record currently displayed in a given CommitCRM CRM window? E.g. let's say I want an external application to dial the phone number of the currently-displayed contact, or copy its details to the clipboard. I could read the info using ODBC, but how do I know which contact is displayed?

    I've done this in the past with GoldMine, where it works via Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE).


    Mark Berry
    MCB Systems

    Re: Access to current account key for API

    Hi Mark,

    Thanks for sending this in.
    Using Online Services, you can trigger the system to issue a custom browser command which loads a specific URL, with whatever RangerMSP database values you want referenced from the customer account that is selected.

    If you can develop a PHP script that executes the command you wanted (dial telephone, Skype, etc.).You'll be able to use RangerMSP Online Services to pass data to your other software, by using PHP as a data processor from 1 side to the other.

    For Example: if you use the RangerMSP Web Interface, then you can configure RangerMSP to open the RangerMSP Web Interface customer info page for a specific customer in RangerMSP by passing a URL, Data Parameter, and RECID value.

    Let us know if this helps.



      Re: Access to current account key for API

      Thanks Neta, that does look promising. It might even be possible to call a web service without invoking a browser...

      Mark Berry
      MCB Systems

