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May 28th, 2019, 10:33 AM
PC Southwest
Posts: 23
Hi All,

Could you advise if you are finding the same using CommitCRM with QuickBooks online?

We are posting invoices to QB Online from CommitCRM, but find the invoices are not getting set to payment via Direct Debit.

If we manually add an invoice in QB Online, this sets as D/D and have tried the individual clients account to "Preferred Payment Method" to Direct Debit and GoCardless.

CommitCRM support have suggested contacting QB, QB have suggested CommitCRM is the issue.

Please let me know if you see the same.

May 28th, 2019, 10:46 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
It would be interesting to hear if anyone is experiencing the same.

We're sorry that you got caught between the two apps, ours and QuickBooks.
We can assure that we do not pass or call QuickBooks Online with any such information what-so-ever, these are all settings that QuickBooks should apply.

In any case, thanks for posting. I'll also recommend that you try to "play" with any possibly related setting in QuickBooks Online and see if/how it affects new invoices.

Hope this helps.
May 28th, 2019, 11:51 AM
PC Southwest
Posts: 23
Hi, Yes, we have spent the long weekend trying to get this working correctly, so are not just reaching out without trying the obvious.

As you will appreciate having to manually change 200+ invoices last month because we thought we had set wrong was annoying. Now we have tested, it is rather depressing to think we have to do this every month.

Quickbooks are suggesting we use the https://developer.intuit.com/v2/apiexplorer to understand if CommitCRM is pushing the correct info in the post. There is little that referrers to direct debit, although there is another user https://help.developer.intuit.com/s/...request-method asking the same question, suggesting there is no option in the API.

How Cr*p that QuickBooks does not appear to have an option to handle this.
May 28th, 2019, 12:29 PM
PC Southwest
Posts: 23
I will half take back my cursing as there is a Batch way around this which I found accidentally while clearing up my dozens of test invoices.

After pushing the invoices, if you go to Sales (left menu) then select "All Sales" (not Invoices).

You can use the filter to show the invoices required ie "Today", then either tick all or manually tick the required invoices, left-click the "Batch Actions" button, then left-click "Get paid via Direct Debit". This will then change the payment method from "Let Customer make Payment" to "Use Direct Debit".

Why this is not on the "Invoices" page is beyond me and would be more logical.

Please, can I have my weekend credited back to my life!

Hope someone else finds this of use.
May 29th, 2019, 01:34 AM
Posts: 33
PC Southwest,

That how i have done it for a year. if i had seen your forum post earlier i would have posted, the whole direct debit integration is not great. I beta tested it. I think the main problem is QBO direct debit is for the UK only.

Do you know they is a desktop app for QBO which improves things massively

May 29th, 2019, 01:54 AM
PC Southwest
Posts: 23
Hi Paul,

Thank you for your comments, I did not give it long before answering my own question, so no issue with you posting.

I have been avoiding the constant prompt at login to try the desktop app. We used the desktop version for years and we're constantly prompted to go "Online" now we have they tell us to use the desktop app, a little bit backward. Although will give it a go.



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