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How to redirect email alerts to another employee when on vacation

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    How to redirect email alerts to another employee when on vacation


    I'd like to know if it is possible to set an employee as "out of the office" and then have all CommitCRM alerts forwarded to another employee. For example, new tickets should be redirected to that other employee.

    Currently, when somebody is going on vacation, some things fall through the cracks, because new tickets, client responses, etc where not seen by other employees.

    Also, it would be nice to enjoy a vacation without constantly getting CommitCRM emails :)

    How can this be done?


    Re: How to redirect email alerts to another employee when on vacation

    Thank you for asking.

    Here's what you can do to achieve a very similar behavior and prevent employees from getting alerts from RangerMSP on vacations :-)

    You can modify the email address of the employee that is on vacation to the other employee email address so alerts to this employee will go to the other employee email address.

    Important note: You should not set an email address that is already used and set for the other employee (this will confuse the system). What you should do is use another/new email alias (e.g. another email address, possibly pointing to the same mailbox) of this employee.

