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January 21st, 2018, 03:24 PM
Posts: 113

We have been getting a lot of request for the ability to quickly assess the user associated with the invoice line on the bills.

This could be completely automated by a process in which the user initially emails the ticket and in so doing assigns the ticket to them(CONTACT)

To facilitate this in an automated fashion we would like to see CommitCRM LDAP customers Active Directory to obtain the USER(Contact) and Email address and create CONTACT records.

In that way we can automate the advice in the Invoice line as per (Quickbooks in this case) Commit CONTACT.


Thanks, Steph.
January 22nd, 2018, 06:30 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Thank you for suggesting this.

You are probably familiar with the following, but for what it is worth -

Charges, that turn into QuickBooks Invoice Lines, are linked to a Contact.
The Charge Contact is initialized with the Contact set to the Ticket.
So the key is to pick the right Contact for the Ticket when the Ticket is created.
In order to have a full list you can import Contacts to an Account. If you can easily export the list you can very easily import it to the specific Account (yep, not the same as LDAP, so feedback noted and will be considered, but this is still more efficient than manually inserting all them, especially with bigger clients).

Something related to add, when customers email in, and their email is turned into a new Ticket automatically - RangerMSP does match the email address to a Contact of the customer - so the Ticket is created under the correct Contact and so are the Charges...
In case no such Contact is found, based on the sender email address, you can configure RangerMSP to auto-create it under the Account. Once added the Ticket will also link to that Contact, and so are the Ticket's Charges.

Finally, when generating an invoice, the Contact name can be added to the line description (e.g. from the Charge's Contact) - the defaults for this option are set under Tools > Options > QuickBooks tab.

Hope this helps and thanks for asking.
January 22nd, 2018, 02:26 PM
Posts: 113
As per "In case no such Contact is found, based on the sender email address, you can configure CommitCRM to auto-create it under the Account. Once added the Ticket will also link to that Contact, and so are the Ticket's Charges."

Can this be restricted to a customers domains against an account?
January 23rd, 2018, 06:01 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
You can add a customer domain as an Account email address (Email 1 or 2) or create a dedicated secondary contact that holds the customer domain in its Email address field - this will allow the system to recognize other senders from this domain and they will be added under the specific Account.

For what it is worth, this trick is also useful with the Email Connector regardless of auto-adding of Contacts. It knows how to create new Tickets under Accounts by the sender domain.

Hope this helps.
January 25th, 2018, 02:07 PM
Posts: 113

Thanks for the response. That's not really what I'm after.

We are of course already using domains as a secondary contact so we pick up and assign tickets to the correct customer.

Just looking to take it to the next step so that the INVOICE lines can IDENTIFIED against the customers users (for accounting purposes). If this just worked in a more automated fashion it would just enhance the accounting experience to the customer without having to setup anything manually.
January 26th, 2018, 06:01 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
When invoicing to QuickBooks Invoice lines are created from RangerMSP Charges. Such Charges are linked to a Contact, e.g. a Customer User.

Now, you can define a default so such Contact names will automatically be included Invoice lines - please visit Tools > Options > QuickBooks tab and select the option to display the Contact name:

Beyond that, thanks for your input.
January 26th, 2018, 07:30 PM
Posts: 113
Yes, we have already set that up. That part works well.

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