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January 6th, 2010, 11:55 AM
Posts: 1
I get this message when trying to adjust the type of client inCommitCRM. Right now there is an "*"
under the type field and I want to get it to read business, lead, or residential. It will not take but rather gives me the error stated above. I saw one place where there may be a conflict because one tab had business and the other had residential. But I changed that. Also, to note, is that these records have multiple contacts and all the listing have an "*" in the type field.
Thanks for any help you can give me.
January 6th, 2010, 12:40 PM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528

Thanks for posting this.
The * type you were mentioning is not actually an account; rather a secondary contact for an account. Double clicking one of these contacts would actually open the associated accounts contact tab and mark the selected contact in the list. This Account "type" is the only type you cannot adjust since this is not an actual account. However, the accounts list can be filtered to not show these contacts in the list or the * type by disabling the secondary contacts display option from Tools > Options > Accounts tab > Show Secondary Contacts. Once you've changed this option, you'll need to restart the RangerMSP client for the change to take effect.

The error you've copied us in this threads topic line is a rather general warning, and would have more verbose information regarding the cause of this behavior in the RangerMSP logs. The logs can be sent from within the program in Help menu > Technical Support.

Once we get the analysis results back, we'll contact you and let you know what we've found and how to resolve this behavior.


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