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Custom Columns in Tickets

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    Custom Columns in Tickets

    It is cool that I can just drag and drop the columns - that is very helpful. Is there a way to remove and add columns? I have changed one of the custom fields, Field1 under Tickets, to "Assigned To" and I'd like to have that displayed as a column instead of the "Creator" column.

    Also, I understand that the views will be more customizable in the new version. Is there an ETA on the newer release?


    Re: Custom Columns in Tickets

    Hi Budman,

    As you mentioned, you can move the columns around and change their order and width, and this will be saved for the next time you open the window. Adding/removing columns is not currently supported, and we may support this in the future.

    Specifically for your example, Tickets already have a field for the assigned technician - this is the Manager field. You can rename it if you wish, so it is called "Assigned To" (by right-clicking the field name and select Field Settings), and this is already displayed in the Tickets list as a column. This field allows you to select an employee from the active employees list.

    RangerMSP is highly customizable as it is, allowing you to rename fields, edit pull-down menus, add your own tabs and fields to the system, remove tabs from the display, customize reports, etc. We may enhance this even more in our future releases. A new release (version 4.3) is in final beta stages and will be released soon.

    I hope this helps.


