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November 29th, 2007, 03:15 PM
Posts: 3

Is there a way to apply permissions per web user vs the general web users permissions.

We have serveral Clients that like the web interface for their employees to add and view support tickets, but do not want some of their users to see other areas like assets, contracts or charges, but they want their managers to see tickets, assets, contracts and charges.

Thank you,

November 29th, 2007, 08:35 PM
Posts: n/a
on this, it would be nice if we could limit clients from editing existing tickets... most of the time, they should be able to create tickets but not modify them!

finally, we need the ability to prevent clients from changing their passwords... we take the time to assign nice strong passwords and want to prevent them from resetting them to hackable ones like "password"...

November 30th, 2007, 06:00 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Hi All,

Thanks for your great suggestions.

Currently you can set whether Web Interface customer users can access their Tickets, Charges, Assets, Contract status, and add History Notes only in the system level (not per Account). Settings this at the user level may indeed provide some benefits, though it may add some complexity while defining new users. Anyway, I can sure see why this can help and I logged it into our system so it will be reviewed and considered for future releases. Thanks.

@ray -
Limiting your clients from editing the Ticket (allow them only to add new ones) may be achieved by special tweaking which needs to be performed by us. Please send us an email to support (so we can get back to you as you were not signed in to the forum when posting), and we will provide you with a solution for this so your customers will only be able to add new Tickets but not to update them.

Currently new customer users must modify their password on first login. I logged this into our system for further consideration. Thanks.

November 30th, 2007, 11:31 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
UPDATE for the previous post

We have managed to find a way to prevent customer web users from modifying their own users password. Since this is a security issue which involves password management, we do not wish to publish this solution on the forum. If you wish to implement this for your customer's Web Interface, please drop us an email and we will get back to you with the solution.


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