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February 23rd, 2016, 09:37 AM
Posts: 104
I did a search for this on the CommitCRM site but could not find the answer. When I delete a document from an account's Docs tab, the document listing in the list is deleted, but the actual document in the account's Document Path folder remains undeleted. Am I missing something? I know CommitCRM can store large amounts of documents without significantly affecting performance (as per one of the forum searches I performed), but after years of use, the drive containing my Commit Documents folder is filling up and I need to get rid of old documents and those of customers who are no longer active. I also have found that when deleting a ticket and choosing the option to "delete documents" the document is removed from the Docs tab list but the actual file in the Documents Path folder is not deleted. Please advise. Thank you.
February 23rd, 2016, 09:49 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
RangerMSP never deletes files stored on your server. When deleting a Document it will only delete the document record from RangerMSP's database, however it will not delete the file it was pointing to. This is by design and is there in order to protect your data. We find it much safer this way.

We hope this makes sense.
February 23rd, 2016, 04:28 PM
Posts: 104
It does make sense, but perhaps you could make it an option when deleting accounts or tickets. I would certainly save us time when "cleaning up" accounts.

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