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November 29th, 2007, 08:31 PM
Posts: n/a
how do we get CommitCRM to retain more than 2 phone #'s per contact... the interface shows a fax field and only 2 fields for phone numbers ("phone 1" and "phone 2") -- most people have an office, home and mobile (plus multiple office #'s...). This stuff also needs to sync to outlook/exchange which at current count, has 19 different phone # fields!

thanks --

November 30th, 2007, 12:05 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Hi Ray,

Each Account record in RangerMSP has 4 phone numbers (2 in the General tab and additional 2 in the Address tab), and another Fax field.

Each Secondary Contact of the Account has additional 2 phone numbers per Contact + a Fax number field. I believe what was in mind is that the main office phone for the Secondary Contacts will be taken from the Account details, while you would keep the personal numbers per Contact in the additional Contact's fields (such as mobile and home, etc.).

Note that you can utilize the Secondary Contact's Fax number to hold an additional phone number, and set the description (on the box on the right) to contain the relevant context of this number. This will let you add 3 numbers per Secondary Contact.

Anyway, this is a good feedback and we sure will consider adding more numbers for the secondary contacts for future releases. Thanks.

May 30th, 2008, 03:50 PM
Posts: 524
OK -- so we finally got time to look at this.... no matter what we put in the description (in commit), in outlook, the first field always mapps to business, the second to mobile and the fax to fax....



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