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August 18th, 2011, 03:09 PM
Posts: 48
Is anyone providing hosted Exchange service? Or, is anyone reselling a self-branded Exchange hosting solution? I thought we were going to resell Microsoft's Office 365 but after jumping through all the hoops to become authorized we are starting to have second thoughts. To start with the margins are very very slim. Secondly, Microsoft gets direct access to the client which I don't care for with any product.
August 23rd, 2011, 03:42 AM
Posts: 115
You need to change your thinking. You're not making money off the product. You're going to make money off the services you provide the customer with this product.

This is one reason many IT companies are now going out of business. IT now and in the future is service based, not product based anymore. Forget about margins on online backup, hosted exchange, etc etc. Offer them a 'package' to go with it.

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