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May 12th, 2020, 12:20 PM
Posts: 1
I would like to change the Custom Billing Settings of a Block of Time/Money contract to Billable.

Question 1: Can I create an exception? Appears not. Automatically defaults to Not Billable.

Question 2: Could it default to billable once the Block of Time or Money has been consumed? Example = Block of Time is 5 hours (not billable) but then changes to billable once the 5 hours have been consumed.
May 13th, 2020, 06:00 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Thank you for posting this.

1. The default settings for the Billable flag can be changed for Global Contracts, however for the Block of Time/Money Contracts these settings are fixed. While adding an exception for such Contracts, you can select whether the specific item can be used for the Contract or not, the billing settings will be taken from the Contract.

2. When logging Charges under a Block of Time/Money Contract, such Charges are automatically marked as Not-Billable, meaning - The time getting logged is covered by the block of time contract.

In case an overage occurs, the system warns the user about it and you/the user can decide whether or not this overage is covered by the block or not, in case it doesn't - mark it as billable in order to charge the customer for the overage.
The system would not decide whether the entire Charge is billable or only part of it (in such cases the Charge should be split to two Charges - a billable one and a non-billable one), nor can it decide whether or not you want to actually bill for the overage, maybe it's only a 10 minutes over a 100 hours block, etc. so it warns to user in order for the to take the final decision.

Hope this makes sense and helps.

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