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notes onsite

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    notes onsite

    What are you guys doing (or requiring techs to do) onsite regarding input of notes on the job? We've tried all sorts of things- printing the ticket ahead of time to write on while on the job / bought the employee web interface to access to insert directly into commitcrm / required them to email to the office manager / etc-

    bottom line is for the clients sake and our cash flow these things need to be done at the time of the work and we just haven't found a method that works for us. Anybody have a different solution that has worked for them?


    Re: notes onsite

    Web interface on an ipad works well, we fill in the entire ticket on site including charges, create a pdf job sheet, then using signnow on the ipad we capture the client signature then email the signed document to our accounts team. This seams to work well for us


      Re: notes onsite

      This has been my main cause of stress, getting jobs billed. I am always in such a rush i just take notes in Evernote on my phone and bill "later". Now though I have installed Commit and quickbooks on a virtual server cloud hosted (internet in my office is completely unsuable for any servers) and i spend the 5 minutes at the end of the job to RDP into the server, type up the job in quickbooks, and generate an invoice on the spot. for my other staff who i like to look over before it gets invoiced, they still log into the cloud and type the job up into commit, then my admin person (ie wife) generates an invoice after i give it a look over.

      I've found entering data into Commit via RDP to a full commit client is faster than using the web interface, particularly as i encourage lots of thorough notes.

      We've not ever found a clients signature necessary as 95% of our work is word of mouth and they never even ask how much we cost let alone dispute a bill. Maybe that will change as we move into a faster growth phase though when we get more random cost conscious clients.


        Re: notes onsite

        "type up the job in Commit" not in quickbooks.

