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October 25th, 2012, 07:02 PM
Posts: 188

Since the Quoting module has been released, we use it ALOT. I find this to be a great feature withinCommitCRM.

I have a few questions:
- We have our clients accept the quote from the customer portal. Is there any way to get an email notification sent to someone in our office when this occurs?
- I also noticed that we can choose to 'Convert to Ticket' or 'Convert to QB Invoice' from within the quote... This is great, but once we convert to an invoice, we cannot also make a ticket from it. Is there any way to make this a ticket after it has been made an invoice? Could we see an option in the future that is 'Create invoice and ticket' ?

Cant wait to see what features you have coming in the beta!

Austin Speer
Onward IT
October 26th, 2012, 06:04 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Thanks for asking. The ability to allow customer to approve Quotes over the Web is a powerful option. Once they do the Quote status is automatically modified to 'Approved by Customer' and you can easily see Quotes in this status and convert them to Won. Anyway, alerts by email on this are not currently sent and it's definitely a good idea. I'll have it logged. Thanks.

Quotes can indeed be converted directly into a QuickBooks Invoice or a Ticket in RangerMSP. You cannot convert a Quote into multiple objects, however, it seems like converting it to a Ticket is the best way with your scenario - a Ticket will be created from the Quote with all Quote Lines already converted into Charges - then - with a single click you can convert the Ticket into a QuickBooks Invoice, using the 'QB' icon on the Tickets Window toolbar.

Hope this helps.
October 26th, 2012, 06:17 PM
Posts: 188
Ok, now that I know that the charges will be added to the ticket, we will modify our process so that we convert quotes into tickets first.


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