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October 16th, 2012, 02:41 PM
Posts: 1,146
I brought this up some time ago, but cannot find the post. Funny that is the very issue I am writing about.

There is a wealth of knowledge on this forums. Veteran and new users could benefit immensely from a new forum format.

There are so many secure *free*forum platforms out there that you could use.

Finding things on here is a bear. Looking for things by category is non existent. When i want to read all the q&a's on a particular topic, I cannot. I have to search everything and click click click until i find something.

It would be helpful to have a support forum organized by categories and sub forums. Then things could be in a logical place and we could do more self help.

I often see people asking questions that have already been answered. They probably searched and didn't find it, or didn't want to spend the time it takes to sift through all the questions that were not related.

You could even have a paid member section where you posted some of the fixes you only email to people.

I know investing time into a new forum doesn't bring in any additional income, but it would help us find answers faster and your support people cont be free to do other things.
October 16th, 2012, 02:53 PM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Thanks for suggesting this and we will visit it again. Interesting thoughts! I can assure you that we also see the forums as an important tool for the community.

Forum search: we recommend using the RangerMSP Google Search option for the forum and not necessarily the built in forum search option. Check here.

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