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October 8th, 2010, 11:03 AM
Posts: 3
OK, I am new to CommitCRM so I was wondering is there a way to batch invoice creation?? As of now I have to select Create Quickbooks invoice then go thru that Ticket, then create another, then create another. Just wondering, this feature would be much faster.
October 8th, 2010, 12:13 PM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528

QuickBooks invoices are generated from RangerMSP on a one-by-one basis, this let you review the RangerMSP charges that will be converted into Invoice lines in QuickBooks, edit the texts, hold some charges for a future invoice etc. So basically what you need to do is at the end of the wizard (after generating an invoice) click the button to start a new invoice. There isn't a batch process for this. However, we have received similar requests before and we're considering adding such an option in the future.


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