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Web Accepted Quotes

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    Web Accepted Quotes

    Is there a process for printing out a quote with the audit trail or something for a quote that was accepted via the web portal?
    I believe the customer can print out a pdf that may show that... but what about right out of RangerMSP?
    Would like that availability when the customer says they can't find that PDF.

    Re: Web Accepted Quotes

    Thank you for posting this.

    Please note that in order to make the Quote available to customers in the Customer Portal, the Quote should be set as 'Public' under the Properties' tab.

    When a customer logs into your Customer Porta, and accepts your Quote, or even only viewing the Quote you shared with them, audit/security information is automatically logged for such actions under the Audit tab of the Quote.

    Although there is no existing, predefined, layout (Quote form) that prints such details, the Audit field can be easily added by customizing one of the Quote reports.
    We have prepared such a form, you can download the attached file and import it using the 'Import from File' menu under the Reports window

    Hope this helps!
    Attached Files

