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February 24th, 2020, 11:54 AM
Posts: 15
If this feature exits I apologise for the query.

Is there a facility that allows the use of basic Microsoft Word features such as Bold Text, Italic Text and underline text when creating progress reports and other entries within the Description and Resolution and Notes fields.

The most important areas of CommitCRM for me is the ability to record detailed information in the description, resolution and Note fields, and therefore it would be nice to be able to highlight or format important words, phrases or lines of text in a similar manner to that of Microsoft Word.
February 24th, 2020, 12:55 PM
Support Team
Posts: 7,522
Thank you for asking. Similar options have recently been added to the knowledge base module where you can nicely format your articles. We evaluate*the options to include it here too. Thanks for asking.
February 28th, 2020, 12:46 PM
Posts: 188
We would love to see a RTF WYSIWYG editor both in ticketing and the KB.
February 28th, 2020, 01:09 PM
Support Team
Posts: 7,522
In the KB you can expand the editing area and enter a mode where you see the WYSIWYG result there on the right side while typing.
Expanding this to Tickets is something that we definitely evaluate.

March 1st, 2020, 09:56 AM
Posts: 15
So in answer to my query regarding the ability to format text in the Ticketing description area I presume the reply is not at this time, and if not, will such a feature be introduced in future upgrades. I do not use the KB area as I have a separate system of my own using a series of Microsoft Office Templates.
March 2nd, 2020, 06:08 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,522
Thank you for asking. Yes, we definitely consider adding support for it for Tickets too. This is a new feature included in for knowledge base articles and we are gathering feedback. Thanks.

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