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April 19th, 2012, 03:19 AM
Posts: 115
Do you have any plans for ticket queues in the future?

I never saw the need, but as our company has grown, having them all in one queue, when you have about 50+ open, is very, very time consuming.

My ideal solution would be to identify using some sort of logic, then tag them in to some type of queue.

For example, N-Able creates tickets, tag them in the Maintenance Queue.

Tickets from a certain company get placed in a certain queue.

Windows jobs go in a certain queue, network jobs in another.

You can achieve this in other ways at the moment, but the solution is not pretty.
April 19th, 2012, 06:00 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
here are several ways that you can already implement this already.

The first is to use Ticket Status: Customize the open Statuses to reflect your queues and drag/drop the Tickets in the list to the "queue" on the left side pane.

The second option is to user Filters.
This is a more advanced way and the queues are managed automatically based on the criteria.

With Filters you can configure any filtering criteria.
For example:
All Tickets with Source='N-able' -
(Save it under the name of 'N-able Queue')

Another example:
All Tickets with Type=Windows and Status is Open.
(Save it under the name of 'Windows Queue')


Then, to see Tickets in a specific queue simply apply the filter and confirm. The tickets list will be filtered to display only tickets in the selected filtering queue.

Hope this helps.
April 23rd, 2012, 07:31 PM
Posts: 115
Thanks. I never thought about using the filter in this manner. That should do the job.

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