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sort by multiple columns --

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    sort by multiple columns --

    how can we sort by multiple columns? I need to see my tickets by priority then due date... I've tried setting up filters but this is both klunky and simply doesn't work. would be nice if we could simply click a colum then maybe the ctrl or alt key and another column which would sub-sort...

    thanks --


    Re: sort by multiple columns --

    Thank you for posting this. When you right click the Tickets list you'll see many different sorting options that combine more than one field.
    In case the sorting option you need is not there click the Filter checkbox and open to filtering window - at the bottom you'll have the option to select up to three sort fields.

    Hope this helps.


      Re: sort by multiple columns --

      that'll do it! I tried using filters but was unsuccessful in getting them to save... seems like that is working now as well.



        Re: sort by multiple columns --

        why can't we sort on description? this would be so very helpful when looking for stuff.




          Re: sort by multiple columns --

          Description is a Memo database field. Memo fields can hold an [almost] unlimited amount of text, however, they are not designed for sorting as its almost impossible and very not efficient to sort by a field with an unlimited text. You can filter the list by searching for text within the Description so it should allow you to easily find the Tickets you're looking for.



            Re: sort by multiple columns --

            How about sort on the first 120 characters or something like that. We start a lot of our descriptions with a coding like "REC - Monthly..." for recurring events or "Misc." for charges that don't require a full blown dedicated ticket... would be really nice to simply order on the description (at least the first 120 characters or so). Yes, we could customize and use another field (like Category) but that requires all internal users to be diligent and never forget to fill in this field (which is another one of my questions, can we mark fields in Accounts and/or Tickets as required fields).

            thanks again!



              Re: sort by multiple columns --

              I'll forward this idea to our dev team. Thanks. As to your question - the answer is currently not (I think I posted it on another thread earlier today).


