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November 1st, 2010, 06:22 PM
Posts: 42
We currently use Quickbooks to do our inventory. We create a P.O. to order parts and then assign each part ordered to a customer. When you then create an invoice in quickbooks, a message will pop up telling you the customer has outstanding billable time or items. When you sell the part to the customer, it removes it from the outstanding items list.

If I create the invoice in CommitCRM instead, (which would be preferable) it doesn't remove the item from the outstanding items list. If I go into the customer account again in Quickbooks, it still thinks the customer still needs that item.

This is a great tool for me to track inventory so that I don't have to remember who I ordered each part for. If CommitCRM can track this better i can switch over, does anyone have any suggestions?

November 2nd, 2010, 06:07 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Hi Jim,

When generating a QuickBooks Invoice from RangerMSP it transfer all Charge records as Invoice lines.
The Inventory levels of Inventory Items in QuickBooks are updated automatically when these Items are linked to RangerMSP Items that were selected for the Charges included in this invoice (as Invoice lines).

I cannot comment much about the way you currently work to track this, however, what I can recommend is that you verify that the relevant Items are linked to the one in QuickBooks.

Hope this helps.

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