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October 25th, 2010, 09:38 AM
Posts: 11
We use Due dates to track either when a ticket should be completed or addressed by. the current problem is a ticket can be created with a due date and time, that time can pass while the ticket is sitting in a employees queue and no one gets notified, We can't find anyway other than a manual process to send an email to the dispatcher or team lead when a ticket is either going over due or approaching that time.

any ideas as this is a big item for us to be able to maintain proper customer service.
October 25th, 2010, 10:02 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Tickets with lapsed Due Dates are displayed in Red in the Tickets list. This should draw the attention of the user that an action is required. Email alerts are sent in many events, unfortunately at this stage they aren't sent in this specific situation.

Another option you have is to add a Task with popup reminders under the relevant Tickets (Tasks can be added from the Ticket Pending page).

Hope this helps.
October 25th, 2010, 12:35 PM
Posts: 11
yes we understand they are displayed in red but if the employee is out, we want someone else to be notified that it hasn't been updated or marked as completed (maybe its in the employees queue but they are sick or tied up on another ticket taking longer than expected), the alert module only sends an email once its opened or closed, not if it sits idle and passes the date.

There was a post about this over 2 years back where it was said this would in a a future release within 1-2 releases. Can you let me know when this is expected as this is a major factor for us and is more relevant with our larger customers.
October 25th, 2010, 01:29 PM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
We understand that it is important. I believe that if you can see how many new features are added with each release all based on requests from our community.

We have this request on file and already have some votes for it. For recent releases we've implemented more popular requests.

I hope that we'll get to it soon so it'll provide a better solution to your requirements.

I want to update the request, however, I have a question. You said:
we want someone else to be notified that it hasn't been updated or marked as completed
How will the system decide to which employee such alerts should be sent to? I understand that you may not want it to be the Ticket Manager. Can you elaborate so we have more information on this?

October 25th, 2010, 01:41 PM
Posts: 11
I would think the system could have 1 of two options, either the alert goes to the Account manager for that client or have an option for all Expired/Red tickets send an email to the ticket dispatcher or team supervisor (could be set up in the options of who that person is).
October 25th, 2010, 01:48 PM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Thank you for getting back with the additional input. Feedback noted.

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