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October 15th, 2010, 05:09 PM
Posts: 7
For some reason, when importing list fields, the results are random; some fields work, and others do not. At the end of the import process, some fields contain data, while other list fields will be empty.

I've made sure that the list fields in the Excel data source contains data that match values in the list for all fields, but half of these fields will work, and half won't. There seems to be no pattern that I can see. Some fields have the "Entered Value Must Be In List" option, and others don't, but this doesn't seem to have any bearing on the issue.

Any insights?
October 18th, 2010, 06:22 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,522

We're not aware of such an issue so here's what I think might happened -

Each field has a size limit.
You can tell the size of the field by double clicking the field label (or by right clicking the field value area and selecting Field Properties).
Then under the Advance tab you'll see the maximum length for this field.

It's possible that the values you're trying to import are longer than the field length, and therefore the value is rejected.

This limit does not apply to a drop down selection list because it may be selected to be used for different fields with different lengths. When used manually the field is cut, when imported the field is ignored.

So I recommend that you verify that you do not try to import data that is longer than what the field can hold.

I hope this will help resolving the problem.


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