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September 14th, 2010, 04:45 PM
Posts: 9
What is the best way to use CommitCRM to track customer referrals?
September 15th, 2010, 06:02 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,522

I believe that the Accounts' Relations tab can help here by letting you can link between different Accounts and setting the relation.

You can use this option to track customer referral:

When a customer A refer a potential customer B to you, open an Account for B.
Visit the A Account, go to the Relations tab and click 'New' at the bottom left of the tab.
An Account selection window will open, search for Account B and click OK.
You should now set the relation between A and B:
Define the relation in a way that you'll alway know that B was referred by A.

When a relation is established it shows for both Accounts. If you'll visit the Relations tab of Account A or B you'll always see the link to the other Account.

Hope this helps.

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