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Missing field in Advanced Data Export

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    Missing field in Advanced Data Export

    If you go to the Account section and click on the Address Tab, under the phone3/4/email fields, there is a field to the right of Region. I want to include this field when I perform an advanced export.

    I am tring to perform an "Advanced Data Export" from within the Charges section and include this field, however, I can not seem to locate it in the field options.

    Is there a way to include this ?

    Re: Missing field in Advanced Data Export

    Hi goodeco,

    When Advanced Exporting Accounts information the Region field can be exported. When Advanced Exporting Charge records, you can select to export All Charge related fields, and some "lookup" fields. For example, we let you export some Account related data fields (i.e. data stored in the Accounts database, not in the Charges database). However, not all Accounts fields are available as lookup fields when exporting the Charge records.

    What you may probably do, is export the Accounts list and include the Region Code field (and any other Account field you need that is not available as a lookup field when exporting charges) and the Account Record ID (called 'Account - Record ID). Then, when exporting Charge records, also export the 'Charge - Account' field (it also holds the Account Record ID).
    Now, you have two Excel files. You can easily merge them into a single Excel file with two sheets. Then, you should be able to run a lookup formula that will display the Account Region as part of the Charge record. It'll take the Account Record ID exported from Charges, search it in the Accounts list, and will return the Region code field.

    Hope this helps.


