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July 27th, 2010, 10:29 AM
Posts: 37
Is there anyway that when I create an opportunity which I attach proposals, emails, history notes to, that when I create a ticket FROM that opportunity that all of the history and attachments in the Docs section come through from the opportunity to the ticket? As of right now, they don't transfer over, and that almost makes the opportunity a waste of time. Thanks.
July 27th, 2010, 10:34 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528

Thank you for asking this.

All linked objects (documents, history notes, emails, etc.) that are linked to the opportunity are kept linked to it. You can create several Tickets from the opportunity but the documents led to winning the sale are not transferred.

In case you wish to link from the Ticket to the Opportunity, you can add a new custom field for Tickets, that links to another object. Then, you should select the relevant opportunity (manually). This will allow you to already jump to the original opportunity directly from the Ticket details, and there, see all the related documents for this opportunity.

I hope this helps.


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